Wound Care Specialist

For complete wound care in North Indianapolis, IN, look no further than Dr. Todd Mann at AHP Foot & Wound Care Specialists.

Wound Care Basics

Wound care, especially in the lower extremities, is invaluable for patients who are more susceptible to wounds from traumatic or accidental injuries, wounds complicated by circulation or venous insufficiency issues, and ulcer-related wounds, including those wounds that are not healing correctly or quickly due to an underlying condition such as diabetes.

Depending on the severity of your wound, Dr. Mann at AHP Foot & Wound Care Specialists serving North Indianapolis, IN, may recommend one or more of the following approaches:

  • Topical medications – medications applied to the skin to help improve healing.
  • Rest-and-recover – additional rest is recommended for some patients to keep them off their feet to improve healing.
  • Debridement – this is the surgical removal of infected or non-viable tissue to give healthier tissue a chance to heal correctly and prevent the spread of infection and/or tissue death.
  • Antibiotics – your podiatrist may prescribe antibiotics for an infection.

How to Care for Your Wound at Home

If you have a wound that isn’t life-threatening, then the first step is usually to wash the injury or affected site with mild soap and water to prevent infection. After that, it’s important to keep the wound clean and dry and avoid further infection. You may need to apply topical ointment or cover it with a dressing.

If you have a stitched wound, you will normally come home with a dressing that will either be changed or removed 24 to 48 hours later. Stitched wounds should be kept dry and clean until the stitches are removed.

If necessary, your healthcare provider will direct you with specific care instructions, but never be afraid to ask if you are unsure. Ulcerative and burn wounds, particularly, may have a different at-home-care protocol.

Warning Signs to Look Out For

Depending on your wound, some swelling, redness, and a little initial bleeding may be considered normal. However, under the following conditions, we ask that you seek immediate medical care:

  • The swelling doesn’t improve, or it gets worse.
  • The bleeding doesn’t stop
  • You begin to see oozing or pus
  • You see red streaks on the skin, or unnatural colors like green, yellow, or black.

Contact Details

For expert wound care in North Indianapolis, IN, please reach out to the team at AHP Foot & Wound Care Specialists to schedule an appointment with, Dr. Mann. We provide home visits to mobility-challenged patients upon referral.

Call us now at 317-218-4095.

Wound Care Q & A

AHP Foot and Wound Care Specialists

What causes foot wounds?

An accident or injury can cause wounds on the feet, but sores or infections that don’t heal in a reasonable amount of time are usually caused by an underlying medical condition, like diabetes.

Diabetic foot wounds manifest as ulcers or open sores, usually on the bottom of the feet. When these ulcers form, this can lead to an infection of the underlying tissue and sometimes the bone.

In addition to diabetes, other causes of foot wounds can include peripheral vascular disease, venous insufficiency, pressure, and trauma.

When should I see a podiatrist?

Since foot wounds can easily become infected and create serious health issues, it’s important to see a podiatrist if:

  • You suspect your wound has become infected
  • The wound is not showing signs of healing
  • You have diabetes, neuropathy, or poor circulation
  • You have chronic pain (or also if the wound is not painful at all)
  • There are signs of inflammation, such as redness and swelling
  • You experience numbness, which can be a sign of nerve damage
  • You notice pus or discharge coming from the wound

The danger with diabetes-related foot wounds — or those caused by some other medical condition — is that they may be painless, but still disastrous to your health.

How does a podiatrist treat wounds?  

Whether it’s a foot, leg, or ankle wound, Dr. Mann can diagnose the problem and set you on a proper course of treatment

Depending on your wound's severity, treatment might include:

  • Antibiotics. A course of antibiotics can treat infected wounds.
  • Surgical debridement. Surgical removal of infected or nonviable tissue may be necessary to allow the wound to heal.
  • Off-loading. Dr. Mann might suggest a rest-and-recover approach. By keeping weight off your feet and legs, the wound can often heal faster.
  • Topical medications. There are many topical wound care products that can help with healing. Dr. Mann  will prescribe the treatment best suited to your unique condition.

Those with diabetes should aim to keep their blood sugar (blood glucose) under control, as high blood glucose levels can slow or prevent wound healing.

By keeping your wound dressing clean and following the doctor's instructions, you’ll be on a faster road to recovery.

Book your appointment with AHP Foot & Wound Care Specialists today.


9011 N. Meridian St., Suite 204 | Indianapolis, IN 46260

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


8:30 am-4:30 pm


By Appointment Only

